Episode #7: The Path To Building A Meaningful Business Interview with Jane Winchester

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What's up Warriors!!! 

In this episode, Jane Winchester, Founder and CEO of Jane Winchester Jewelry, walks us through her 20 year journey in the fashion industry, pivoting between corporate positions with fashion giants such as Lily Pulitzer and entrepreneurship. She explains how "failure" was the best thing that happened to her even though she didn't realize it at the time!    

Following her "why", she started Jane Winchester jewelry just 2 years ago and has had explosive growth. Jane creates coin jewelry and charms with incredible meaning behind each piece. She speaks authentically about the challenges of being a mom and running a business and the most important ingredient you need to do to keep it going! 

What did you take away from this episode?  Please tell us on your instastories and tag us @_suburban_warrior  @janewinchesterjewelry and leave a review!  Be sure to follow us too! 

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Warrior Up and Believe in You!


Learn more about Jane on her Website

Follow Crissy on Instagram

You can also join her Facebook Group.
