Hey Warriors-
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this unprecedented and crazy time. We are all navigating unchartered waters, with worry and fear driving our thoughts each day. Now, more than ever, we need to focus on our mental wellness and daily practices to stay mentally strong.
In this episode, mindful mommy Bizette Gailewicz, shares her health journey with us and how focusing on positivity and mindfulness helped her heal. At 27 years-old she was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder. She then battled pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, cardiac and kidney failure, and years of major flare-ups of lupus. Throughout her journey, she refused to accept the diagnosis she was given and was determined not to let it define her. She reached out to holistic healers and used practices such as mindfulness and meditation to help guide her through her journey.
Today, she is healed and has dedicated her life to empowering children to help control big emotions so they grow into healthier and happier adults. She teaches meditation to children and has written a children’s book on meditation. She believes giving them the tools they need at a young age will help them to deal with the challenges that we all inevitably experience in life. I couldn’t argee more! Take a listen to this inspiring episode to hear how Bizettte healed herself by focusing on what she could control in her life, her mindset!
What did you take away from this episode? Please tell us on your instastories and tag us and leave a review on Apple podcasts! Be sure to follow us too! @_suburban_warrior
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Warrior Up and Believe in You!
Info about Bizette:
Follow her on instagram: @bizetteandmaria
Follow Crissy on Instagram
You can also join her Facebook Group.