Episode #39: Stop Waiting to Prioritize Your Wellness & Joy Interview with Alaya Naturals Founder Shauna Reiter

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Welcome back, Warriors! As always, I am so grateful you chose to spend your time listening to the Suburban Warrior podcast. Today’s guest is Shauna Reiter, the founder of Alaya Naturals. Alaya Naturals is perfect for anyone wanting to dive into alternative dietary changes and live an overall healthier lifestyle. Their annual revenue is $6 million with over 100,000+ customers and a team size of five.

Born with an autoimmune condition that suppresses her white blood cells, Shauna spent years battling oppressive ailments. When her beautiful children arrived, they brought tremendous joy into her life, but her immune system had its own agenda. Sleepless nights and depleted energy threatened to disrupt her time with them and derail her larger goals. She knew that her body needed healing. So began Shauna’s journey into the world of superfoods and the creation of Alaya Naturals. It has been a long road as she researched, tested, and perfected their products, but the effort was well worth it. Today, she is stronger, healthier, and more present in all areas of her life.

Shauna is offering my listeners a 20% discount on any Alaya Naturals purchase from their website by using the code SUBURBANWARRIOR20 at checkout www.alayanaturals.com. You can also purchase Alaya Naturals products on Amazon.

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Warrior Up and Believe in You!


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