What’s up, Warriors! My next guest is here today to share her impactful story with us. We are discussing a topic that needs to be talked more about openly, mental health. Kirstin Day has more than 18 years of experience as a senior executive in the fashion industry in New York City. She is a mom of two, an avid equestrian, and a lover of art and music. Mental health has always been her passion, since struggling with an eating disorder, depression, and anxiety in her teens. In 2012, she combined her business experience and interest in helping others to form Strength is Beautiful, a platform and series of educational programs for children, teens, their parents, and industry professionals about eating disorders, mental health, and their effects with a focus on promoting health, confidence and positive self-image.
Kirstin has spoken to a wide range of audiences including speaking multiple times at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Jefferson Hospital, as a keynote speaker at the NEDAcon National Conference, and to patients and stakeholders at The Renfrew Center’s various locations. She also speaks at local organizations including The Junior League of Philadelphia, The Saturday Club, Lower Merion High School, The Agnes Irwin School, Open Connections School, Senior Leadership in the Radnor School District, and the YMCA. She has been interviewed for an article in Savvy Mainline, been a guest on the Transformational Storyteller Podcast, and was most recently a keynote speaker for the Minding Your Mind organization. Kirstin believes that our society needs to be talking more openly about mental health and it is her mission to do just that.
Follow Kirstin on Facebook @Strength-Is-Beautiful and on Instagram @Strength_Is_Beautiful_
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