What’s up, Warriors! Welcome back to the Suburban Warrior podcast. As a mindset coach, I think about how every little action in life we do matters. How every single thing we do on this earth matters. My guest today has truly made it her mission to help make the earth a better and cleaner place for all of us. Gwenn Nolan is the founder of Mother Compost, a composting service that began operation on the Main Line of Philadelphia in 2018.
As a wife and mother of 3 children, Gwen knew how much food her family was wasting by throwing it in the trash. This never sat well with her and she felt compelled to do something about it. So in addition to her full-time job, she started Mother Compost. Through service and education, Gwenn and her team empower members of the community to make sustainable choices. Mother Compost makes composting simple for those short on time or space. Gwenn also enjoys speaking at schools & businesses to spread the word about the benefits of composting as well as teaching practical composting basics to help home composters.
You can learn more about Mother Compost by going to www.MotherCompost.com. She is also on Facebook @MotherCompost and Instagram @MotherCompost, and if you’re local to the Philadelphia area check out Mother Compost’s subscription service and start composting!
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Warrior Up and Believe in You!